Quattordicesimo anniversario della salita in cielo di Marta

Il quattordicesimo anniversario della salita al cielo di Marta Bellavista si celebrerà sia a Rimini che a Milano.

A Viserba la S. Messa sarà  sabato 5 ottobre alle ore 18,15, presso la parrocchia di San Vicinio, (Sacramora) in via U. Giordano, 2 Rimini .

A Milano la S. Messa sarà celebrata da don Francesco Ferrari lunedì 7 ottobre presso la cappella “Maria madre della vita “ annessa all’ospedale  San Raffaele in via Olgettina, 60 Milano (la chiesa è vicino al Pronto soccorso),  alle ore 19,00.

Thirteenth anniversary of Martha’s ascent into heaven

The anniversary of Marta Bellavista’s ascension to heaven is approaching. This year too, a Mass will be celebrated in Viserba and one in Milan for the occasion.

In Viserba it will be celebrated on Saturday 7 October at 5.30 pm, at the parish of San Vicinio, (Sacramora) in via U. Giordano, 2 Rimini.

In Milan it will be held on October 10th at the “Maria Madre della Vita” chapel at the San Raffaele hospital in via Oggettiva, 60 (the church is near the emergency room), at 7.15 pm. Don Francesco Ferrari will celebrate.

We invite all of Marta’s friends around the world to join our prayer in any way they can.

Tenth anniversary of Marta’s ascent to heaven

As every year, the celebration of the Holy Mass in suffrage of Marta Bellavista’s ascent to heaven will take place both in Milan and in Viserba di Rimini.

In Milan it will be Thursday 8 October at 7 pm at the Parish of Sant’Ignazio di Loyola in piazza don Luigi Borotti 5 in Milan (Feltre district).

In Viserba it will be Saturday 10 October at 5.30 pm at the San Vicinio Parish (Sacramora) in via U. Giordano, 2 Rimini.

We also give information in English so that everyone can be at least spiritually close to our prayer.

(from Google Translator)