The English translation of Marta’s writings “I Want It All” is available!

The English edition of Voglio tutto (I Want It All) can be bought on Itaca’s catalogue (and is also purchasable on Amazon). The text will also be available for purchase at the Meeting of Rimini, in the bookshop area.

The reasons for this additional editorial effort lie in the requests of various friends living in England referred to Giorgio, Marta’s father, and for their desire to spread to the whole world the words of a girl who continue to move people because of the energy for life which she expresses.

Also in relation to the recent events which concern different spheres (Charlie Gard, terrorism, new challenges), Marta’s “fight” to affirm life, a life in truth, points to a chief path, a path of certainty for man today, often confused with “false myths”. No illusions, no hiding behind values, however true, for our tradition, – and neither hiding in the appearance of progress -: only Christ is He who is able to save and allow us to triumph in our lives each instant.
The whole world needs the message which Marta’s words witness with great effectiveness and simplicity. This is why Marta will reach England and hopefully Ireland, USA, Canada … and the rest of the world!
Our site therefore has been made bigger by becoming bilingual (heartfelt thanks go to Sara Sorensen). With her help, in the coming weeks we will make the testimonies available for our English friends who want to get to know Marta.

Sante Messe per il sesto anniversario di Marta Bellavista

Domani, Sabato 8 ottobre alle ore 17,30 presso la chiesa di San Vicinio in via Pallotta a Viserba (la parrocchia di don Giuliano Renzi) sarà celebrata la Santa Messa (prefestiva) per il sesto anniversario della salita al cielo di Marta Bellavista.

Inoltre ringraziamo Damiano per questo avviso relativo alla città di Milano. “Voglio informarvi che mercoledì 12 ottobre alle ore 19, nella Cappella Madonna Madre della Vita dell’Ospedale San Raffaele di Milano (vicino al Pronto Soccorso), verrà celebrata una Messa in ricordo di Marta, nel 6° anniversario del suo Dies Natalis.